best left behind for an auspicious 2009

20 12 2008

A few years ago, my husband and I learned about an incredibly helpful year-end tradition that we’ve embraced as our own and have even shared with a few close friends. IMHO, this is an especially great exercise for those that aren’t huge fans of new years resolution lists.  Instead, why not consider leaving behind what you don’t want to carry into 2009?  This way, you’ll create space for the things you really want to have in your life in the new year.Buy The No Asshole Rule book on Amazon

Just start making a list of the things you’d like to leave behind in 2008. Be sure you can print it though, and then on New Year’s Eve say a little “goodbye” to your entire list and do something dramatic with it like burn it in your fireplace, flush it down the toilet, bury it in the sand at the beach or in the dirt in the the woods.  I can’t recommend burying it in your backyard because then it’s probably still in your realm, so to speak.

Want an example? Below you’ll find the start of mine (I’ll add to it between now and Dec 31):

Sandy’s best left behind for an auspicious 2009:

Acquaintances that have the means (financial or otherwise), but show absolutely NO interest in helping others less fortunate (or not) than themselves

Unconscious people

My apparent addiction to sugar

People that never ever initiate opportunities to connect

Acquaintances that simply do not demonstrate an interest in creating meaningful connections (or intimate relationships, to use a Keith Ferrazzi term)

TIVO (sob!)

Buying any new plastic bottles containing water or otherwise

Hosting PIF Parties in the Seattle area (I just co-host them w/others now)

Acquaintances that can’t talk about anyone but themselves

A-holes (btw, am definitely a fan of The No Asshole Rule book)

United Mileage Plus plan loyalty

Being a back seat driver, even if it will get us there faster

Continuing to help opportunistic people that try to covertly “leverage” my (or my friends) connections, openness and intellectual capital (great ideas). I. Must. Stop. Enabling. Them.

Playing with my own WordPress site too much

So, that’s what I have so far, but I think you get the idea.  Have fun with this because it’s truly a good reflect and release exercise, if nothing else, and here’s to a HAPPY 2009! 🙂  P.S. feel free to share the beginnings of your list via Comments if you’re into sharing.

